Making the Most of Your Weekend

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By Wednesday, we are often counting the time until our weekends start, but they don’t always meet our expectations. Sometimes, on Sunday evening, we wonder what happened to the weekend. So, how do we make the most of our weekends? If you want weekends that meet and exceed your expectations, here are a few ways to help you make the most of it.

Do Something Different

  • Take a Sunday drive with no plan, no GPS (unless you get lost), and no time deadline
  • Visit an old friend
  • Enjoy a picnic at a state park and hike a trail
  • Take a canoe trip
  • Drive to a small town and eat lunch at a local (non-franchise) restaurant
  • Take a hot air balloon ride
  • Visit a museum

Treat Your Weekend Like a Vacation

Treating your weekend like a vacation can make you more mindful of and attentive to the present moment, throughout the weekend’s activities. In other words, vacation-minded people don’t enjoy their weekends more because they do fewer chores or more fun activities; they enjoy them more because they are more aware of those activities and have a sense of the freedom two days off brings.

Start Your Weekend with a Plan

Decide in advance what your plan is for the weekend. It doesn’t mean you need to plan every moment like a workday, but plan for the major activities you’ll do. Without preparation, you may end up doing nothing and then wonder where the time went. If you create a plan for Saturday and Sunday, you’ll have them to look forward to and enjoy a sense of accomplishment.

Skip Routine

Many people follow a routine Monday through Friday. If you’re not careful, the tendency to follow routines can easily filter into your weekend. The weekend is a good time to force yourself to step out of your comfort zone by trying new experiences, joining a new club, crossing an item off your bucket list, or starting a hobby.

Take Downtime

A weekend chock full of activities may create a need to go back to work on Monday to rest up. Without downtime, a busy schedule can take its toll both mentally and physically. Set aside some time for yourself to recharge your batteries in any way you find relaxing, such as reading a favorite book. Don’t fill up your empty time with stress-inducing activities like checking email.

 Spend Time Outside

Make sure that some of your planned activities take place outside. It’s refreshing, particularly if you spend much of your week inside. Go for a walk, run, bike ride, or any undertaking that will help you get some exercise and enjoy the fresh air. It will leave you energized, and you’ll also reap the health benefits. The weekend is a perfect time to catch up on your workouts.


The key to a weekend well spent is to take charge of your time. Plan to have an exciting, relaxing, and energizing time, and you will.

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