Turning Internships into Full-Time Jobs

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When an internship is going well, you may wonder if your employer would offer you a full-time job. There are certainly advantages to working with a company before starting a career there. Being familiar with the people, office culture, and business processes will help you hit the ground running. And, of course, it’ll save you the time and effort of a job hunt.


Landing the job that marks the beginning of your professional career—especially in a familiar atmosphere—is very rewarding. There’s a sense of accomplishment because you’ve proven to your internship bosses that you’re worth building a future with.


A full-time professional job means an excellent salary, benefits, and job security. So, how can you increase the odds of turning that internship into a full-time job? Here are some ideas.


  1. Let them know you’re interested.

If your internship has gone well and you want to start a career with this employer, let your boss and HR know. Companies with internship programs usually begin career discussions with their interns before they return to school. So, make sure to follow up. You’re probably one of several candidates being considered, so stay connected.


  1. Create a network while you’re there.

Connect with people inside and outside your immediate workgroup who may influence hiring decisions. And then be intentional about staying in contact with them. You never know when they’ll help you land that coveted job.


  1. Understand the importance of a good work ethic.

Demonstrating a strong work ethic will attract recognition—perhaps more than any other professional characteristic. Be on time. Don’t be a clock watcher. Complete all assignments on time (or early) and affirmatively seek new experiences. Be engaged, and show you care so you can reap the rewards.


  1. Don’t forget the social aspect.

Bosses will evaluate how well you interact with your coworkers to determine if you’re a team player. Part of being a team player is showing interest in others. It includes being willing to socialize when you’d prefer a quiet evening at home. Of course, you don’t have to accept every invitation; but don’t isolate yourself.


  1. Be flexible.

Your first job may not be the ideal role, but will it get your foot in the door? Many high-achieving employees started in jobs other than the positions that catapulted them to success.


  1. Ask for feedback on your performance.

Seek guidance on improving your performance, and then implement what you learn. Managers like employees who understand their shortcomings and overcome them.


Internships help you learn about yourself and find the office culture that fits you best. Many times they have a long-lasting impact on your career. So, make sure to take advantage of available opportunities.

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